HACK bug ?

aeb at turing.UUCP aeb at turing.UUCP
Thu Jan 10 12:37:24 AEST 1985

> Hack leaves lots of alock* files in .../tmp - is this a bug?

Well, maybe. What happens is that hack creates temporary files
called ?lock* (say alock, alock.1, alock.2, ..., block, ...)
and when you finish playing these are removed automatically.
Of course, when something goes wrong (Hack dumps core, your system
crashes) then these temporaries never get removed. When such files
are several days old (so that it is very unlikely that you are
throwing away somebody else's game) you may just remove them.

Saved games are in .../tmp/save/yourname .
      Andries Brouwer -- CWI, Amsterdam -- {philabs,decvax}!mcvax!aeb

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