Orphaned Response

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Sun Mar 17 04:05:35 AEST 1985

> 	Suprise!  CBREAK is a 'Berkeley-ism' and is NOT available on
> either any of the Bell UNIX systems nor any other system that is based
> on Bell (like HP-UX).

Surprise!  *ALL* UNIX systems are based on Bell; if they're not, they're
UNIX-compatible but aren't UNIX systems.  4.xBSD is based on UNIX/32V, which
was a Bell release; you need a license from Bell to run 4.xBSD.  UNIX/32V,
in turn, was a VAX port of V7.  *V7*, not any Berkeley release, introduced

While we're at it, could we please send discussions of source to
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by obsolete news software which should be replaced) will go to
	Guy Harris

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