Bugs in ROFF

dmt dmt at ahutb.UUCP
Sun Mar 24 12:27:44 AEST 1985

Thanks to The Colonel for posting roff.
I've ported it to my PC, where my son and I both use it

I'd like to take this occasion to report a couple of bugs
and their fixes (including the "hangs on long lines"
noted in the manual page).


The most troublesome hang was on long, one-word lines in
no-fill mode.  (In fill mode, you're presenting it with an
intractable problem anyway, so a hang may be a reasonable response.)
But no-fill should also be no-fold, and it isn't as posted.

Here's the fix:
In function "bumpword", add a line right after
	*holdp = '\0';
	if (!o_fi) goto giveup;       <--ADD LINE

That allows it to continue long lines (up to 255 characters) when
in nofill mode. (Beyond 255, it does ugly things.)


There's also a minor bug in the .bp = .pa format request.
In the big switch statement in function "readreq",
find case 3 (also 37), and interchange the + and - signs
when bumping "page_no" by "r".


Thet's all for now. Enjoy it -- it's a good program.

				Dave Tutelman

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