Bug in sunrise/sunset program

Jim Scardelis frodo at wcom.UUCP
Mon May 13 15:31:28 AEST 1985

	Has anyone else had trouble with Robert Bond's sunrise/sunset
calculation program? I compiled it on my Xenix-286 system, changed

<sys/time.h> to <time.h> as he suggested, changed the default timezone,
latitude and longitude to that of my site, and ran it.

	Instead of giving me an hour and minute for sunrise and sunset,
it gave me something like:

	Sunrise -18032: -53
	Sunset  -18056: -8

	Has this happened to anyone else? Is it what's supposed to
happen???? The other options seem to work ok, giving real numbers anyway...

			Jim Scardelis

uucp: {vax135|ihnp4}!timeinc!wcom!frodo		
"The opinions expressed herein are those of my computer, and not necessarily
      those of myself, Warner Computer Systems, or any other computer or
        company along the line. "

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