Overnight backups - autodump

David Herron, NPR Lover david at ukma.UUCP
Tue May 7 02:00:41 AEST 1985

In article <237 at stc-a.stc.UUCP>, shimell at stc.UUCP (Dave Shimell) writes:
> 		- If the dumps require more than a single tape, the
> 		  last dump must be aborted and manually restarted.
> 		  (I guess the script could keep track of the amount
> 		  of tape used in previous dump run.)  As the script
> 		  is reading /dev/console, you have to compete with
> 		  getty to talk to dump.
I have a similar set of shell scripts (which I like better).  But I had
this same problem with competing with getty.  So I fixed init so it
would keep the console logged in.  (Actually....it was ANY line who's
/etc/ttys entry had 'c' in the first column)  So now It doesn't compete
with getty, any time I need to do something quick, I've got a terminal
already logged in, etc.  (We can only do this here because the machine
is kept locked with limited access.)

Ok, I'll offer a set of diffs to anybody wanting them.  Please note
that this is for 4.2BSD, on a 11/750.

Oh, how do I run the backup program?  Simple.  I wrote a quickie that
would use that ioctl() that forced characters into a terminal's input
buffer.  This one takes the text from the command line.  So my crontab
entry looks like:

     30 04 * * 1 force /dev/console "cd /backup; daily 2"

(The '2' is the dump level to use.)

--- David Herron
--- ARPA-> ukma!david<@ANL-MCS> or david%ukma.uucp at anl-mcs.arpa
---        Or even anlams!ukma!david at ucbvax.arpa
--- UUCP-> {ucbvax,unmvax,boulder,oddjob}!anlams!ukma!david
---        cbosgd!ukma!david

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