bug fix for 1.0.2 uptodate routine...

Jeff Myers myers at uwmacc.UUCP
Mon May 13 05:03:27 AEST 1985

A previous fix for version 1.0.1 in the file hack.stat.c can be applied
to version 1.0.2 hack.unix.c.  The diff follows for using mtime rather than
ctime in checking if a saved level or game is out of date.

Just lost a saved game due to this; arg!!!!!  Somebody apparently tried to
hard link to the game, modifying the ctime, but NOT the mtime.

diff hack.unix.c.old hack.unix.c
< 	if(buf.st_ctime < hbuf.st_ctime) {
> 	if(buf.st_mtime < hbuf.st_mtime) {

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