rn - A new and improved newsreader with an old name.

tallman at dspo.UUCP tallman at dspo.UUCP
Thu May 9 09:52:45 AEST 1985

The new 'rn' has a bug. On terminals where parity is used, the top bit
of a character read in raw mode is set for parity.  More than half of
the commands done in the article preview stage did not work until I
made this change in articles.c :

< 		c = getchar();
> 		c = getchar() & 0x7f;

C. David Tallman - dspo!tallman at LANL  or {ucbvax!unmvax,ihnp4}!lanl!dspo!tallman
Los Alamos National Laboratory - E-10/Data Systems
Los Alamos, New Mexico  -  (505) 667-8495

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