Retraction (matrix routine)

Roy Smith roy at phri.UUCP
Thu Nov 21 13:33:25 AEST 1985

> Here is a `portable' matrix allocator that uses `malloc', along
> with a matrix destroyer.  The remaining routines are left as an
> exercise to the reader....

	Take a look at mod.sources Vol 2, No. 36 for a similar set of
routines I wrote, along with an description of how vectored arrays work,
and why they are different from 2-d arrays.  My stuff doesn't allow for
initialization (easy enough to add, I guess), but it does allow for
arbitrary sized array elements.  If you don't have the archives, contact me
direct for a copy.
Roy Smith <allegra!phri!roy>
System Administrator, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016

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