The recent distribution of vtrek...

David Somner somner at lasspvax.UUCP
Tue Nov 19 20:27:48 AEST 1985

The recent distribution of VTREK has many problems, from what I can see.
Screen I/O is so messed up that it's not funny at all.  I'm on a 4.2BSD system,
and I DID set the makefile flags correctly.  The screen just looks wierd.
The output is scrambled beyond all comprehension.

Any bug fixes yet?

-Dave S.

*                                   /-----\                                  *
*  My opinions are my own          / /---\ \                                 *
*    and no one else can          / /_____\ \       o  --> Help!  The aliens *
*        have them!              /___________\     \|/       are coming!     *
*                                 ### ### ###      /'\                       *

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