lock-up for lunch

Myke Reynolds myke at gitpyr.UUCP
Sat Oct 5 12:06:27 AEST 1985

In article <902 at ptsfa.UUCP> rhc at ptsfa.UUCP (Robert Cohen) writes:
>summery: may be easy, but why do this.
>> System V: stty clocal
>> Berkely: stty nohang
>What happens if this is a dial-up line and you drop DTR is that
>the next person dialing in who hits that port gets himself dropped
>into your security program.  Granted he may not be able to break
>out of it, so no security risk.  What a pain for that user though.
>He has to busy out your clocal'ed port and dial again.

Actually, by far the nicest use of DTR ignore is that you can put a process
in background and LOGOFF freeing up a terminal while still getting your job
Myke Reynolds
Office of Telecommunications and Networking
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

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