getopt(3) posting FLAME

Ian F. Darwin ian at utcs.uucp
Sat Oct 12 09:41:30 AEST 1985

In article <346 at uw-june> schwartz at uw-june includes (from
.\" @(#)getopt.3c 1.1 83/08/30 SMI; from UCB 4.2):
>This routine is included for compatibility with UNIX system-III.
>It is of marginal value, and should not be used in new programs.

I disagree. First, it is for compatability with USG UNIX (all
of them, not just System III (note spelling), but also System V,
System V Release 2, etc.).

Second, it is very useful and should be used in all new programs.
People should not write their own version of argument parsing
in every new program, and get it wrong, when a standard argument
parser is available.

Third, since did not write the code (the version you posted
was written at the University of Toronto), you should give credit
to the person who did. A difference of opinion is no excuse
for a lack of courtesy; taking somebody's name off code 
that you don't like but haven't modified is certainly discourteous.

Sounds like something that might have happened to the code
in or around Berkeley; they are famous for trying to take
the credit for others' work by taking names off contributions.

Ian F. Darwin
Toronto, Canada

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