An exciting game in PROLOG

Robert Elz kre at munnari.OZ
Sun Oct 13 21:41:34 AEST 1985

Article <962 at erix.UUCP> from erix!joe is a "game" written
in prolog.  This article isn't a bug report as such, but
a warning (for those people who may not read the source
before using it).  If your mailer can take "joe at erix.UUCP"
as a valid address the "game" will send mail to it, every
time it is played.  If not, you will most likely get
an annoying message, and a dead.letter file (or something like that).

I don't know how L.M. Ericsson feel about this, as I believe
that they will be paying for all this "your game got played"
junk mail that is being sent to Sweden - and international
mail isn't cheap!

Stopping this is easy, once you know it is happening, just
look for the line in the source that is sending the mail
(it is VERY obvious) and delete it.

Robert Elz		seismo!munnari!kre	kre%munnari.oz at

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