
Robert Viduya robert at gitpyr.UUCP
Wed Oct 23 22:48:57 AEST 1985

The real solution to fixing vtrek is to make it use curses.  I've got a fixed
version that runs perfectly well on an AT&T 3B2 running SysV with curses. If
I get enough requests, I'll post it.  BSD folks will probably have to change
a couple of lines in it (cbreak/crmode and incompatibilities like that), but
that shouldn't be real difficult.

It works faster too, if you're on a low-speed line.

Robert Viduya							01111000
Office of Computing Services
Georgia Institute of Technology

UUCP:   {akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,masscomp,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!robert

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