Other bugs in chat v6.0

Karl Kleinpaste karl at osu-eddie.UUCP
Thu Oct 3 22:00:22 AEST 1985

> Here is a quick fix for an annoying problem a friend and I found:

Thanx for that fix.  Here's a couple more.

In the Makefile, it is more-or-less standard to have the `install'
label dependent on the installable targets.  Hence, that target line
should look like:
	install: chat cwho ruser

In misc.c/sysexec(), the uid is correctly set back to the real user,
but not his gid.  Insert `setgid(getgid());' just before the similar
call for uid (near line 175).

In page.c/page(), the original declaration of _name is too small;
it assumed that at most 20 people would be logged in at once.  Not
true on my VAX.  Knock that limit up to something large.  I used 100,
though that is absurdly large.  (It's not like chat is a huge beast
already, it can afford the space.)
Karl Kleinpaste

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