Possible bug in "rman".

Jonathan C. Broome broome at ucbvax.ARPA
Sat Sep 28 04:18:34 AEST 1985

In article <150 at bubba.UUCP> gj at bubba.UUCP writes:
>Is the sense of the '-k' and '-f' flags in 'rman' reversed with respect
>to 'man' or am I missing something?

They're right as far as I can tell, at least compared to the standard Berkeley
'man'.  The '-f ' flag in man is the same as 'apropos', and the '-k' is the
same as 'whatis'.  If you get these confused, just use the '-a' and '-w' flags
to rman, they're easier to remember (that's why I added them).

Jonathan C. Broome       University of California, Berkeley

          UUCP    ...!ucbvax!broome
          ARPA    broome at ucbvax.ARPA 

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