Could we have a standard "shar" file format?

Shane P. McCarron ahby at meccts.UUCP
Wed Sep 18 12:03:58 AEST 1985

In article <396 at persci.UUCP> bill at persci.UUCP writes:
>it looks for a line that starts with:
> #!/bin/sh
>or something like that. It does *NOT* work with shar files that start with
>a colon in column 1 of the first line!

On our Sys III Plexus, csh will attempt to execute any shell that has
a '#' at the beginning of the first line.  I assume that some other
systems have a similar anomaly.  However, starting the first line with
a ':' will eliminate this problem.  That is why some scripts generate
a colon in the first line.


Shane P. McCarron
Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation - Technical Services

UUCP	ihnp4!dicomed!meccts!ahby

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