Could we have a standard "shar" file format?

Blittermuis ken at rochester.UUCP
Wed Sep 18 05:02:41 AEST 1985

In article <4048 at amdcad.UUCP> jimb at amdcad.UUCP (Jim Budler) writes:
>And what are the poor folk with v7 supposed to do? v7 sh recognizes
>a ':' as a comment and '#: program not found' for your solution.

Modify the unshar script to filter out lines starting with # or use
the C unshar.

UUCP: ..!{allegra,decvax,seismo}!rochester!ken ARPA: ken at
USnail:	Dept. of Comp. Sci., U. of Rochester, NY 14627. Voice: Ken!

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