Larn 12.0 Bug

ilacqua at ilacqua at
Thu Aug 28 12:28:26 AEST 1986

In article <844 at ssc-vax.UUCP> erik at ssc-vax.UUCP (Erik Strom) writes:
>   I have found that whenever I start a new game, that the 'D' command
>shows that I have already learned the 'mle' and 'pro' spells, and I 
>have found the potion of cure dianthroritis. This is a consistent bug
>in the 12.0 version.

	This Is not a bug! You start the game with two 'free' spells
and the potion of cure dianthroritis is known so that you will know it
when you find it.

|   See these eyes so green? I can stare for a thousand years...     |
|UUCP:	...!harvard!bu-cs!bucsb!ilacqua                              |
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