bug in microemacs 3.6

craig craig at hp-pcd.UUCP
Fri Aug 1 02:34:00 AEST 1986

Bug in microemacs 3.6
Heres a bug you probably won't run into very often:
If you are in the [List] buffer (created by ^X^B) and read in a file (^X^R)
or insert a file, the list buffer becomes unmagic (ie it shows up in the
buffer list).  This means you can kill it (^XK) which in turns tanks
microemacs since the [List] buffer is hardcoded (via blistp) and is never
checked for.
Fixes:  in readin() and ifile() you will see something like:
  bp->b_flag &= ~(BFTEMP|BFCHG);
change this to:
  bp->b_flag &= ~(BFCHG);

or if you are more adventurous, make the [List] a normal buffer that can be
killed (the real fix in my humble opinion).
---  Craig "Who needs TV when I got T Rex?" Durland
       (503) 757-2000 x3354
       Hewlett-Packard, 1000 NE Circle Boulevard, Corvallis, OR 97330
     hplabs    ---->\
     harpo     ----> \
     orstcs    ---->  >--!hp-pcd!craig
     microsoft ----> /
     textronix ---->/

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