Bug in MicroEMACS 3.7 (and fix)

J.H.M.Aldridge jhma1 at ukc.ac.uk
Tue Aug 19 23:39:06 AEST 1986


If in MicroEMACS 3.7 you kill the special "[List]" buffer which holds
the buffer list (obtained by ^X^B) and afterwards ask for the buffer
list to be displayed then the program bombs out with "Segmentation
fault: core dumped" and the terminal is left in raw mode. 

I have fixed this by adding a check in the killbuffer() function (in the
file buffer.c) to test whether the buffer that is being deleted has the
BFINVS flag bit set.  If it does, then the buffer is not deleted. 

My fix is to alter the killbuffer function to include the following
extra two lines:

		return (TRUE);
    |	if(bp->b_flag & BFINVS)		/* Deal with special buffers	*/
    |		return (TRUE);		/* by doing nothing.		*/

James Aldridge,			jhma1 at ukc.UUCP
University of Kent,
Canterbury,			...!mcvax!ukc!jhma1

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