Sources for PC-Shell

Tom Armistead toma at killer.UUCP
Sun Aug 31 19:43:20 AEST 1986

> In article <804 at Shasta.STANFORD.EDU> boesch at Shasta.UUCP (Brian Boesch) writes:
> >-----------------------------
> >A while back, a unix like shell was posted to the net called PCSHELL
> >the shell supported Unix like commands for the pc and included 
> >more,frep,history ...
> >
> >Does anyone still have the sources for these that could mail them to
> >me?
> >
> >Thanks in advance
> >   Brian Boesch   Boesch at su-shasta.EDU (arpanet)
> I'd like to insert my request also.

	And ditto for me...


Tom Armistead

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