Larn bug on AT&T Unix-pc does anyone have a fix

Darryl P. Wagoner dpw at rayssd.UUCP
Sat Aug 23 02:07:46 AEST 1986

On both larn11.0 and larn12.0 I have ran across this bug
where in casting spells like "lit" it will get hung in
loop.  It doesn't happen everytime.  Has this happen on
other system ? Does anyone have a fix for this.  Signals
are still taken care of, but otherwise it is locked up.
My quick fix is going to be to ask the player when he hit
the interrupt key.  But that is just a hack to get it to recover.
If no else has fixed this I will jump into it some weekend.
	Darryl Wagoner
	Raytheon Co.; Portsmouth RI; (401)-847-8000 x4089

best path             {allegra|gatech|mirror|raybed2}  ---------\
next best             {linus|ihnp4|pyrbos} ---------------------->!rayssd!dpw
if all else fails     {brunix|cci632} -------------------------/

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