Better use of function keys with Sun asteroids.

Rich Burridge richb at yarra.OZ
Mon Dec 15 16:25:09 AEST 1986

These context diffs are to provide the following:

(1) The choice of keys for entering hyperspace and manipulation
    of the rocket motors, left a lot to be desired. They were
    too far apart. Thanks to Matt Crawford and Doug Landauer for
    spotting this, and especially to Doug for his context diffs.
    I used his idea and implemented it in a slightly different

    Motor on is now the 'g' (go) key or function key R1.
    Motor off is now the 's' (stop) key or function key R2.
    Hyperspace is now the 't' (teleport) key or function key R3.

(2) Doug also suggested displaying the number of ships left. I
    have included his diffs for this (again in a slightly different
    way - sorry Doug, authors priviledge) and added in another couple
    of lines which display the correct number of ships when one has
    just died.

There is a problem running asteroids on a color machine. I am
currently trying to track this one down. Again, thanks to Matt Crawford
for spotting it. Under V3.0, asteroids doesn't seem to work properly if
you compile it with the -O switch, so compile with -g or nothing.

Regards Rich.

Rich Burridge            ISD:  +61 3 267-6222
Sun Australia            STD:  (03) 267-6222
14 Queens Rd,            ARPA: richb%yarra.oz at
Melbourne, VIC 3004.     UUCP: seismo!munnari!yarra.oz!richb
AUSTRALIA.               ACS:  richb at yarra.oz

*** ast_main.c~ Mon Dec 15 07:31:04 1986
--- ast_main.c	Mon Dec 15 09:53:30 1986
*** 71,76
  struct hscore highscore[MAXHS] ;
  char progname[MAXLINE] ;          /* Name of this program. */
  char titlestring[MAXLINE] ;
  int c ;                           /* Value returned by wgread. */

--- 71,85 -----
  struct hscore highscore[MAXHS] ;
+ int key_stations[3] = {21, 22, 23} ;  /* Station values for function keys R1-R3. */
+ char old_key_vals[3][MAXLINE] ;       /* Function key string values to save. */
+ char new_key_vals[3][MAXLINE] =       /* Function key values used by asteroids. */
+      {
+        "g",                           /* Motor on - Function key R1. */
+        "s",                           /* Motor off - Function key R2. */
+        "t"                            /* Hyperspace/teleport - Function key R3. */
+      } ;
  char progname[MAXLINE] ;          /* Name of this program. */
  char titlestring[MAXLINE] ;
  int c ;                           /* Value returned by wgread. */
*** 1114,1119
                            while (wgread() != 0) ; /* Flush some output. */
                            state = 0 ;             /* Clear previous button state. */
                            basecount-- ;
                            if (basecount == 0) basestatus = BIDLE ;

--- 1123,1129 -----
                            while (wgread() != 0) ; /* Flush some output. */
                            state = 0 ;             /* Clear previous button state. */
                            basecount-- ;
+                           addscore(0) ;           /* Correct number of ships left. */
                            if (basecount == 0) basestatus = BIDLE ;
*** 1137,1144
        keys = 0 ;
        switch (c)
!           case 'q'       :
!           case 'Q'       : closedown() ;
                             break ;
            case ESC       : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;

--- 1147,1153 -----
        keys = 0 ;
        switch (c)
!           case K_QUIT    : closedown() ;
                             break ;
            case K_GO      : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;
*** 1141,1147
            case 'Q'       : closedown() ;
                             break ;
!           case ESC       : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;
                             break ;
            case DEL       : motoron = 0 ;

--- 1150,1156 -----
            case K_QUIT    : closedown() ;
                             break ;
!           case K_GO      : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;
                             break ;
            case K_STOP    : motoron = 0 ;
*** 1144,1150
            case ESC       : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;
                             break ;
!           case DEL       : motoron = 0 ;
                             break ;
            case BACKSPACE : if (basestatus == BACTIVE)

--- 1153,1159 -----
            case K_GO      : motoron = ((basestatus == BACTIVE) && (fuel > 0)) ;
                             break ;
!           case K_STOP    : motoron = 0 ;
                             break ;
            case K_TELEPORT: if (basestatus == BACTIVE)
*** 1147,1153
            case DEL       : motoron = 0 ;
                             break ;
!           case BACKSPACE : if (basestatus == BACTIVE)
                               if (fuel >= (FULLTANK / 5))
                                   fuel -= (FULLTANK / 5) ;  /* 20% loss each hyperspace. */

--- 1156,1162 -----
            case K_STOP    : motoron = 0 ;
                             break ;
!           case K_TELEPORT: if (basestatus == BACTIVE)
                               if (fuel >= (FULLTANK / 5))
                                   fuel -= (FULLTANK / 5) ;  /* 20% loss each hyperspace. */
*** 1201,1207
    clear_screen() ;                  /* Clear the asteroids window. */
    if (givehelp) do_help_screen() ;  /* Output initial help/start screen. */
    clear_screen() ;                  /* White background, before inversion. */
-   init() ;
    basecount = 3 ;
    startlist() ;
    basestatus = BWAITING ;

--- 1210,1215 -----
    clear_screen() ;                  /* Clear the asteroids window. */
    if (givehelp) do_help_screen() ;  /* Output initial help/start screen. */
    clear_screen() ;                  /* White background, before inversion. */
    basecount = 3 ;
    init() ;
    startlist() ;
*** 1203,1208
    clear_screen() ;                  /* White background, before inversion. */
    init() ;
    basecount = 3 ;
    startlist() ;
    basestatus = BWAITING ;
    ftime(&tlast) ;

--- 1211,1217 -----
    if (givehelp) do_help_screen() ;  /* Output initial help/start screen. */
    clear_screen() ;                  /* White background, before inversion. */
    basecount = 3 ;
+   init() ;
    startlist() ;
    basestatus = BWAITING ;
    ftime(&tlast) ;
*** ast_stuff.c~	Mon Dec 15 07:31:05 1986
--- ast_stuff.c	Mon Dec 15 09:24:31 1986
*** 14,19
   *  do_help_screen        - Output initial help/start screen.
   *  doflashbonus          - Display bonus message.
   *  draw_frame            - Create popup window for help message.
   *  getline               - Get characters from player until RETURN pressed.
   *  get_options           - Get user command line options.
   *  rint                  - Pseudo random number generator.

--- 14,20 -----
   *  do_help_screen        - Output initial help/start screen.
   *  doflashbonus          - Display bonus message.
   *  draw_frame            - Create popup window for help message.
+  *  function_keys         - Set or reset the asteroids function keys.
   *  getline               - Get characters from player until RETURN pressed.
   *  get_options           - Get user command line options.
   *  rint                  - Pseudo random number generator.
*** 32,37
  #include <sys/timeb.h>
  extern char bonusstr[MAXLINE] ;      /* Bonus message. */
  extern char progname[MAXLINE] ;      /* Name of this program. */
  extern char titlestring[MAXLINE] ;   /* Title string for asteroids window. */

--- 33,40 -----
  #include <sys/timeb.h>
  extern char bonusstr[MAXLINE] ;      /* Bonus message. */
+ extern char new_key_vals[3][MAXLINE] ;   /* Function key values used by asteroids. */
+ extern char old_key_vals[3][MAXLINE] ;   /* Function key string values to save. */
  extern char progname[MAXLINE] ;      /* Name of this program. */
  extern char titlestring[MAXLINE] ;   /* Title string for asteroids window. */
*** 47,52
  extern int fuelxoffset ;             /* Start of fuel display bar. */
  extern int givehelp ;                /* Set to 0, no initial help given. */
  extern int height ;                  /* Window height. */
  extern int orgx ;                    /* Window X origin. */
  extern int orgy ;                    /* Window Y origin. */
  extern int rr ;                      /* Used by rint for random numbers. */

--- 50,56 -----
  extern int fuelxoffset ;             /* Start of fuel display bar. */
  extern int givehelp ;                /* Set to 0, no initial help given. */
  extern int height ;                  /* Window height. */
+ extern int key_stations[3] ;         /* Station values for function keys R1-R3. */
  extern int orgx ;                    /* Window X origin. */
  extern int orgy ;                    /* Window Y origin. */
  extern int rr ;                      /* Used by rint for random numbers. */
*** 73,79
        basecount += 1 ;
        bonusship *= 2 ;   /* double it. */
!   SPRINTF(titlestring," Score : %6d",score) ;
    showtitle() ;

--- 77,83 -----
        basecount += 1 ;
        bonusship *= 2 ;   /* double it. */
!   SPRINTF(titlestring," Score : %6d                Ships : %6d  ",score,basecount) ;
    showtitle() ;
*** 168,173
    BLT_SCRN(x+1,y+1,fr_width-2,fr_height-2,RCLR) ;
    BLT_SCRN(x+3,y+3,fr_width-6,fr_height-6,RSET) ;
    BLT_SCRN(x+5,y+5,fr_width-10,fr_height-10,RCLR) ;

--- 172,202 -----
    BLT_SCRN(x+1,y+1,fr_width-2,fr_height-2,RCLR) ;
    BLT_SCRN(x+3,y+3,fr_width-6,fr_height-6,RSET) ;
    BLT_SCRN(x+5,y+5,fr_width-10,fr_height-10,RCLR) ;
+ }
+ function_keys(state)        /*  Set or reset the function keys. */
+ int state ;
+ {
+   int count = 176 ;         /* 0xB0 -- the starting entry for strings. */
+   int fd,i ;
+   if ((fd = open("/dev/kbd",0,0)) < 0)
+     {
+       FPRINTF(stderr,"sidtool: can't open /dev/kbd\n") ;
+       exit(1) ;
+     }
+   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)      /* Set up function keys. */
+     {
+       if (state == KEY_SET)
+         {
+           get_key(fd,key_stations[i],old_key_vals[i],count) ;
+           set_key(fd,key_stations[i],new_key_vals[i],count++) ;
+         }
+       else set_key(fd,key_stations[i],old_key_vals[i],count++) ;
+     }
+   CLOSE(fd) ;
*** ast_sun.c~	Mon Dec 15 07:31:05 1986
--- ast_sun.c	Mon Dec 15 08:52:51 1986
*** 16,21
   *  toolsw_sighandler
   *  starttool
   *  startup
   *  write_bold          - Output text item in pseudo bold.*  writeln
   *  getwindowparms      - Return window dimensions.
   *  wgread              - Check for button or key pressed.

--- 16,23 -----
   *  toolsw_sighandler
   *  starttool
   *  startup
+  *  get_key             - Get the value of a function key.
+  *  set_key             - Set the value of a function key.
   *  write_bold          - Output text item in pseudo bold.*  writeln
   *  getwindowparms      - Return window dimensions.
   *  wgread              - Check for button or key pressed.
*** 35,40
  #include <sys/file.h>
  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  #include <sys/un.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>

--- 37,43 -----
  #include <sys/file.h>
  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  #include <sys/un.h>
+ #include <sundev/kbio.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>
*** 160,165
    char **tool_attrs = NULL ;
    sout = socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0) ;      /* Create server socket. */
    server.sun_family = AF_UNIX ;

--- 163,169 -----
    char **tool_attrs = NULL ;
+   function_keys(KEY_SET) ;                    /* Set asteroid function keys. */
    sout = socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0) ;      /* Create server socket. */
    server.sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
*** 206,211
    KILL(pid,SIGKILL) ;                         /* Murder the child !! */
    CLOSE(snew) ;
    CLOSE(sout) ;

--- 210,216 -----
    KILL(pid,SIGKILL) ;                         /* Murder the child !! */
    CLOSE(snew) ;
    CLOSE(sout) ;
+   function_keys(KEY_RESET) ;                  /* Restore old function key values. */
*** 235,240
    nullcur.cur_function = RXOR ;
    nullcur.cur_shape->pr_size.x = 0 ;
    nullcur.cur_shape->pr_size.y = 0 ;

--- 240,275 -----
    nullcur.cur_function = RXOR ;
    nullcur.cur_shape->pr_size.x = 0 ;
    nullcur.cur_shape->pr_size.y = 0 ;
+ }
+ get_key(fd,station,value,count)
+ int fd,station,count ;
+ char value[MAXLINE] ;
+ {
+   struct kiockey key ;
+   key.kio_tablemask = 0 ;
+   key.kio_entry = count ;
+   key.kio_station = station ;
+   IOCTL(fd,(int) KIOCGETKEY,(char *) &key) ;
+   STRCPY(value,key.kio_string) ;
+ }
+ set_key(fd,station,value,count)
+ int fd,station,count ;
+ char value[MAXLINE] ;
+ {
+   struct kiockey key ;
+   key.kio_tablemask = 0 ;
+   key.kio_entry = count ;
+   key.kio_station = station ;
+   STRCPY(key.kio_string,value) ;
+   IOCTL(fd,(int) KIOCSETKEY,(char *) &key) ;
*** asteroids.h~	Mon Dec 15 07:56:12 1986
--- asteroids.h	Mon Dec 15 08:45:16 1986
*** 50,55
  #define  CONNECT      (void) connect
  #define  FCLOSE       (void) fclose
  #define  FPRINTF      (void) fprintf
  #define  KILL         (void) kill
  #define  LISTEN       (void) listen
  #define  NICE         (void) nice

--- 50,56 -----
  #define  CONNECT      (void) connect
  #define  FCLOSE       (void) fclose
  #define  FPRINTF      (void) fprintf
+ #define  IOCTL        (void) ioctl
  #define  KILL         (void) kill
  #define  LISTEN       (void) listen
  #define  NICE         (void) nice
*** 81,88
  #define  CTRLS        19                   /* Used to halt the asteroids game. */
! #define  ESC          '\033'               /* Definitions of valid asteroid keys. */
! #define  DEL          '\177'
  #define  BACKSPACE    '\010'
  #define  FLASHTIME    4                    /* Seconds */

--- 82,94 -----
  #define  CTRLS        19                   /* Used to halt the asteroids game. */
! /* Definitions for asteroid keys. */
! #define  K_QUIT       'q'                  /* Quit the asteroids game. */
! #define  K_GO         'g'                  /* Turn the rocket motor on. */
! #define  K_STOP       's'                  /* Turn the rocket motor off. */
! #define  K_TELEPORT   't'                  /* Jump through hyperspace. */
! /* Key definitions used by getline. */
  #define  BACKSPACE    '\010'
  #define  DEL          '\177'
*** 84,89
  #define  ESC          '\033'               /* Definitions of valid asteroid keys. */
  #define  DEL          '\177'
  #define  BACKSPACE    '\010'
  #define  FLASHTIME    4                    /* Seconds */
  #define  FLICKERTIME  20                   /* Jiffies */

--- 90,96 -----
  /* Key definitions used by getline. */
  #define  BACKSPACE    '\010'
+ #define  DEL          '\177'
  #define  FLASHTIME    4                    /* Seconds */
  #define  FLICKERTIME  20                   /* Jiffies */
*** 96,101
  #define  OFFCURSOR    0                    /* Modes for the mouse cursor. */
  #define  TRACKCURSOR  1
  /* Asteroid event values. */
  #define  LEFTUP       1                    /* Left mouse button up. */

--- 103,111 -----
  #define  OFFCURSOR    0                    /* Modes for the mouse cursor. */
  #define  TRACKCURSOR  1
+ #define  KEY_SET      0                    /* Used for function key setup. */
+ #define  KEY_RESET    1
  /* Asteroid event values. */
  #define  LEFTUP       1                    /* Left mouse button up. */
***	Mon Dec 15 08:09:05 1986
---	Mon Dec 15 08:38:47 1986
*** 13,20
  Pressing the MIDDLE button will fire a missile out of the
  front of the spaceship.
! You can enter hyperspace by pressing the BACKSPACE key. This
! will return you to the screen in a random position.
  You can turn your rocket motors on by pressing the ESC key.
  Pressing the DELETE key will turn your rocket motors off.

--- 13,20 -----
  Pressing the MIDDLE button will fire a missile out of the
  front of the spaceship.
! You can enter hyperspace by pressing the 't' or the R3 function
! key. This will return you to the screen in a random position.
  You can turn your rocket motors on with 'g' or the R1 function
  key. Pressing 's' or the R2 function key will turn your rocket
*** 16,23
  You can enter hyperspace by pressing the BACKSPACE key. This
  will return you to the screen in a random position.
! You can turn your rocket motors on by pressing the ESC key.
! Pressing the DELETE key will turn your rocket motors off.
  To quit the game at any time, just press the q key.

--- 16,24 -----
  You can enter hyperspace by pressing the 't' or the R3 function
  key. This will return you to the screen in a random position.
! You can turn your rocket motors on with 'g' or the R1 function
! key. Pressing 's' or the R2 function key will turn your rocket
! motors off.
  To quit the game at any time, just press the q key.

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