Termcap code in Phil's BASIC

Eugene Stark stark at sbstaff2.UUCP
Sat Dec 20 02:32:16 AEST 1986

> Has anyone else had luck bringing up the recently-posted BASIC interpreter
> (Phil's BASIC) on a machine other than the four mentioned in the posting?
> Aa co-worker and I have tried to bring it up on a Perkin-Elmer 3220 running
> Edition VII, a Perkin-Elmer 3250 running XELOS (SVr2), and an IBM-PC AT
> running SCO XENIX/286. In all three cases, we have had problems related to
> the termcap code.
> In all three cases, it was necessary to make the interpreter default to no
> editor for it to work with most termcap entries.
> In the best case, the editor would function correctly with very simple
> termcaps (adm3, pe550, etc.).
> Under no circumstances, would the editor work with a termcap that referred
> to another entry by way of a 'tc=' entry. Depending on the system, either a
> 'BAD TERMCAP ENTRY' message is returned or the program goes into
> never-never land.
> Has anyone else noticed problems with the termcap code? If so, what did you
> have to do to fix it?
> Thanks in advance...

I compiled Phil's BASIC on a SUN 3, and had the same problem with the
termcap.  I didn't feel like playing with it much, but I seem to recall
I did "adb" it, and noticed that the termcap library software was returning
an error when I didn't think it should have been.  Since I wasn't particularly
interested, and didn't immediately understand it, I gave up.

Gene Stark

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