copyright notice
dgary at ecsvax.UUCP
dgary at ecsvax.UUCP
Fri Jan 24 05:24:03 AEST 1986
In article <602 at scc.UUCP> steiny at scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) writes:
[in response to an earlier posting by me]
>. . . There is no reason you
>cannot copyright something and give it away.
I never said you couldn't! The problem is in the proposed wording of
the posted copyright notice. "Public domain" legally means the
copyright is owned by the public. And while you do indeed
automatically own copyright while the work is unpublished, if you
publish the software (or anything else) without copyright notice, you
have just donated it to the public domain.
D Gary Grady
Duke U Comp Center, Durham, NC 27706
(919) 684-3695
USENET: {seismo,decvax,ihnp4,akgua,etc.}!mcnc!ecsvax!dgary
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