Bug fix for fontbanner(6)
Greg Earle
earle at smeagol.UUCP
Sat Jan 11 16:35:45 AEST 1986
I have made the brazen assumption that if you merely specify a font name
for use via the -f option in fontbanner, it should go to the current font
directory (default DEFAULTDIR), and seek out that font. The source as
distributed does not do this, because if you do not use the -d option,
it attempts to use the variable fontsdir inside the call to getoptions
(while it processes your switches) before 'fontsdir' has been set. It
fails because it tries to look up the font name in /. Here is a quick fix:
( Suitable for use with "patch -c" )
diff -cb fontbanner.*
*** fontbanner.new.c Fri Jan 10 21:37:50 1986
--- fontbanner.c Fri Jan 10 20:17:26 1986
*** 74,80
*fontname = *fontsdir = '\0';
- (void) strncpy(fontsdir, DEFAULTDIR, sizeof(fontsdir));
while ( --argc && (**++argv == '-') ) /* tratta argomenti */
getoptions(&argc, &argv);
--- 74,79 -----
*fontname = *fontsdir = '\0';
while ( --argc && (**++argv == '-') ) /* tratta argomenti */
getoptions(&argc, &argv);
*** 82,89
istty = isatty(1);
if ( defaultfdir )
! if (!accessdir(DEFAULTDIR)) {
! fprintf(stderr, ".... Cannot open default fonts directory \"%s\"\n",
if ( !interactive_mode )
--- 81,91 -----
istty = isatty(1);
if ( defaultfdir )
! if ( accessdir(DEFAULTDIR) )
! (void)strncpy(fontsdir, DEFAULTDIR, sizeof(fontsdir));
! else {
! fprintf(stderr,
! ".... Cannot open default fonts directory \"%s\"\n",
if ( !interactive_mode )
Greg Earle
sdcrdcf!smeagol!earle (UUCP)
ia-sun2!smeagol!earle at cit-vax.arpa (ARPA)
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