M.C.Escher "Square Limit" Picture.

Edward C. Bennett edward at ukecc.UUCP
Sat Jul 26 05:06:03 AEST 1986

In article <1686 at eagle.ukc.ac.uk>, msp at ukc.ac.uk (M.S.Parsons) writes:
> The original format for each drawing is simply a list of line specifications,
> one per line in the form: x1 y1 x2 y2. To reduce the size of this file, these
> absolute coordinates are converted into relative coordinates. Then the file
> is compressed using compress (V4.0). Finally the file is uuencoded. So to
> view the picture: uudecode the picture file, uncompress it, pipe it through
> the relative to absolute coordinate filter and display on your favourite
> device.
> Bytes
> 94553  fish1
> 66278  fish1.r
> 20090  fish1.r.Z
> 27703  fish1.r.Z.uu
> Number of lines:        5973
> Min x and y:            0 0
> Max x and y:            1024 1024
	Somewhere between England and Kentucky the picture files got
	I'll describe the problems with fish1. 'fish2' acted similarly.
Comparing the file sizes, my .Z file was the correct size so I thought
everything was OK. But after uncompression my .r file was 3 bytes too
small. Examination of the file revealed 8 munged lines, all ending with
a '-'. e.g.

16 11 -3 -

Sometimes the next line contained a lone '2', sometimes it was blank.

I tried just joining the two lines, adding a '2' if the next line was
blank, but that didn't work. Apparently, the problem is in the encoded

	Has this happened to anyone else? Could this have been caused
by the BITNET? (Our news arrives via BITNET.) Would someone out there
who has this working be willing to mail me (UUCP) their copies of
the .uu files?

Edward C. Bennett

UUCP: ihnp4!cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!edward

Kentucky:  The state that needs a lottery to educate it's children.

"Goodnight M.A."

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