
Rich Burridge richb at yarra.OZ
Sun Jul 6 16:35:04 AEST 1986

> In article <276 at yarra.OZ>, I write:
>   argv at sent me some mail on problems he's noticed on trying to
> get SidTool (pacman) working on his Sun3.
> (3) There's the case of the "items" (like panel items) in which you choose
>     play, quit, etc .. well, that menu appears all wrong (overlaps each other,
>     missing chunks, etc..) if you play a game, lose (or quit) and try to
>     restart a new game.

A simply way of reproducing this bug, is to press the DEL key several times.
It is not until the 21st time that the above bug happens. Would love to know
why this is.

There's fixes and there's workarounds. It all comes down to converting
Pascal programs that raise exceptions and trying to emulate them using
setjmp and longjmp. If I'd thought about this harder when I did the conversion
I think I would have used signals.

Anyway, I've included a small diff to apply to sid_sun.c that hopefully gets
around the problem.

< char lastc = '\0' ;        /* Previous character sent down the socket. */
<   char c = '\0' ;
>   char c ;
<         if (lastc != DEL)
<   if (c) lastc = c ;

By the way, if you are playing pacman (sorry SidTool) and you get an
interruption, don't despair simply type Control-S. When you are ready to
restart, type Control-Q. Been there, done that as the Aussies say.

Regards Rich.

Rich Burridge            ISD:  +61 3 267-6222
Sun Australia            STD:  (03) 267-6222
14 Queens Rd,            ARPA: richb%yarra.oz at
Melbourne, VIC 3004.     UUCP: seismo!munnari!yarra.oz!richb
AUSTRALIA.               ACS:  richb at yarra.oz

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