Ogre - sent to mod.sources

mwm at eris.berkeley.edu mwm at eris.berkeley.edu
Sat Jul 19 17:30:06 AEST 1986

In article <827 at edison.UUCP>, jas at edison.UUCP (James A. Schardt) writes:
>    I was on Usenet some time ago, and there was a program
> available then called Ogre that was a C implementation of
> the board game Ogre.  I was wondering if anyone has this
> archived; if so, I'd like an archive type file of the sources.

Saright, I surrender. I just sent the version I posted to net.sources a
couple of years ago on it's way to mod.sources.

Caveats: I claim this version is "truest" to the spirit of the
board game (spoken as someone who loved the Ogre/GEV games). Since the
board is smaller, and some things were hard (I didn't want to do
dynamic infantry units), the rules have been tweaked slightly. The
README file is from the posting at that time, and includes the rule
differences. It also includes a list of changes from the original

There was at least one version posted after this one last time around.
It had many more scenarios, none of which were in the board game.
Since I'd stopped playing ogre by then, I didn't save a copy.

Of course, now that I've looked at it again, I may have to do a nice
version for the Amiga....


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