Fixes to 'elm' for long names and NULL pointers

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Wed Jul 16 17:44:21 AEST 1986

Sigh.  I guess I must have mailed my previous fixes to 'msg' (now 'elm')
to the wrong address.  At least, they didn't make it into the new
version Dave Taylor just posted.  So, to save a lot of other people
from having to repeat the same things, here are my fixes again.  Dave,
there's a bunch of us out here who would really appreciate it if you'd
pick these changes up and integrate them, so we don't have to keep
making them.  I'm not going to try to mail them again, since the last
time they didn't seem to get through.

First, a few short notes on configuring elm:

(1) Before formatting with "make documentation", you may want to change
    the definition of FORMATTER in the Makefile to nroff.
(2) -DSUN in the Makefile really means "don't dereference NULL pointers".
    It has nothing to do with Sun's version of Unix.
(3) If AUTO_BACKGROUND is defined, wnewmail will put itself into background,
    even though this is a poor idea.  I haven't fixed this because I don't
    have windowing and I lack ambition.  The fix should be easy, though--
    just delete the #ifdef's for that option.

Now, the problems I've fixed:

(1) Elm uses long C names ("flexnames").  A new Makefile variable has
    been added, -DSHORT_NAMES, which works around this by #define-ing
    shorter names.  This depends on having a preprocessor that handles
    names that are longer than what the rest of compiler takes;  this
    is true on a lot of older Unix systems (like mine).
(2) Getopt.c (which, by the way, is *not* the standard Unix getopt)
    had a tendency to dereference NULL pointers.  This has been cured.
    In the process, I have cleaned up the code a bit.
(3) In opt_utils.c, there is a gethostname() routine to substitute for
    the BSD version on non-BSD systems.  However, the #ifdef's were set
    up so it did not compile on USG systems.  (I suspect HP's implementation
    of System V supports gethostname(), so that this problem was invisible
    to Dave;  otherwise I don't see how the program could have run).  I
    changed the #ifdef's so gethostname is compiled on any non-BSD system.
    Note that this may cause problems on HP systems if my conjecture is
(4) The Makefile in the "utils" directory creates shell scripts on the
    fly by echo-ing them into the "bin" directory.  These scripts all
    start with "#!/bin/sh", which fails under csh on non-#! systems (csh
    decides the "#" means it's C-shell script;  nice of it).  I changed
    these to ": Use /bin/sh", which works almost everywhere and isn't
    all that much slower.  If you support #!, you might want to suppress
    this change, though.
(5) In creating the "checkalias" script, the utils Makefile had a bug
    causing "make" to eat a dollar sign, so that the checkalias script
    didn't work.  If you take out my "#!" change, be sure to leave this
    one in!
(6) The utils Makefile failed to mention header-file dependencies for
    several objects that it picks up from "../src".

To fix the above problems, run this posting through Larry Wall's "patch"
utility.  For example, from 'rn', type

	| patch -d elmdir

where "elmdir" is the directory you unpacked "elm" in.


Index: hdrs/curses.h

*** hdrs/curses.h.old	Wed Jul 16 00:16:29 1986
--- hdrs/curses.h	Wed Jul 16 00:16:31 1986
*** 7,12
  #define OFF		0
  #define ON 		1
  int  InitScreen(),      /* This must be called before anything else!! */
       ClearScreen(), 	 CleartoEOLN(),

--- 7,21 -----
  #define OFF		0
  #define ON 		1
+ #ifdef SHORT_NAMES
+ #define CleartoEOS		ClrtoEOS
+ #define _clearinverse		_clrinv
+ #define _cleartoeoln		_clrtoeoln
+ #define _cleartoeos		_clr2eos
+ #define _transmit_off		xmit_off
+ #define _transmit_on		xmit_on
+ #endif
  int  InitScreen(),      /* This must be called before anything else!! */
       ClearScreen(), 	 CleartoEOLN(),

Index: hdrs/defs.h

*** hdrs/defs.h.old	Wed Jul 16 00:16:38 1986
--- hdrs/defs.h	Wed Jul 16 00:16:42 1986
*** 207,209
  	 char   address[NLEN];	/* machine!user you get mail as      */
  	 struct addr_rec *next;	/* linked list pointer to next       */

--- 207,324 -----
  	 char   address[NLEN];	/* machine!user you get mail as      */
  	 struct addr_rec *next;	/* linked list pointer to next       */
+ #ifdef SHORT_NAMES
+ #define PutLine0		PLine0
+ #define PutLine1		PLine1
+ #define PutLine2		PLine2
+ #define PutLine3		PLine3
+ #define add_to_table		add_2_table
+ #define address1		addrs1
+ #define addressII		addrsII
+ #define addresses		addr_s
+ #define alternate_prompt	alt_prompt
+ #define alternative_addresses	alt_addrs
+ #define always_leave		alw_leave
+ #define calendar_line		cal_line
+ #define cancelled_msg		cncld_msg
+ #define central_message_buffer	cntrl_bfr
+ #define compare_dates		cmp_dates
+ #define compare_headers		cmp_hdrs
+ #define copy_message_across	cpy_msg_across
+ #define current_record		cur_rec
+ #define current_time		cur_time
+ #define define_softkeys		def_softkeys
+ #define display_central_message	displ_cntrl_msg
+ #define display_error		displ_error
+ #define display_headers		displ_hdrs
+ #define display_helpfile	dspl_helpfile
+ #define display_options		displ_options
+ #define display_title		displ_titles
+ #define display_to		displ_to
+ #define encrypted		crypted
+ #define encrypted_key		crypt_key
+ #define expanded_cc		xp_cc
+ #define expanded_to		xp_to
+ #define expand_address		xp_addr
+ #define expand_domain		xp_domain
+ #define expand_env		xp_env
+ #define expand_filename		xp_filename
+ #define expand_group		xp_group
+ #define expand_logname		xp_logname
+ #define expand_site		xp_site
+ #define expand_system		xp_system
+ #define filename2		fn2
+ #define forward			forwrd
+ #define generate_reply_to	gen_reply_to
+ #define get_return_name		g_ret_name
+ #define header_line		h_line
+ #define header_page		h_page
+ #define headers_per_page	h_per_page
+ #define header_table		h_table
+ #define install_aliases		ins_aliases
+ #define last_line_loc		last_ln_loc
+ #define machine_group		mach_group
+ #define mailbox_defined		mbox_defined
+ #define mailfile_size		mfile_size
+ #define message_count		msg_count
+ #define message_number		msg_number
+ #define newaliases		nwaliases
+ #define noptimize_return	noret_opt
+ #define noptimize_usenet	nousenet_opt
+ #define optimize_and_add	opt_and_add
+ #define optimize_arpa		opt_arpa
+ #define optimize_cmplx_arpa	opt_cmplx_arpa
+ #define optimize_return		opt_return
+ #define optimize_usenet		opt_usenet
+ #define optional_arg		opt_arg
+ #define optionally_enter	opt_enter
+ #define original_cc		orig_cc
+ #define original_msg_num	orig_msg_num
+ #define original_to		orig_to
+ #define parse_arguments		pars_arguments
+ #define parse_arpa_from		prs_arpa_from
+ #define password_entry		pw_entry
+ #define pattern_enter		pat_enter
+ #define pattern_match		pat_match
+ #define read_alias_files	rd_alias_files
+ #define read_headers		rd_headers
+ #define read_notesfile		rd_notesfile
+ #define read_rc			rd_rc
+ #define read_rc_file		rd_rc_file
+ #define received_on_machine	rcvd_on_machine
+ #define remove_all		rem_all
+ #define remove_first_word	rem_1st_word
+ #define remove_domains		rem_domains
+ #define remove_header		rem_hdr
+ #define remove_user		rem_user
+ #define remove_through_ch	rem_thru_ch
+ #define reply_to_everyone	repl_to_everyone
+ #define resolve_received	rslv_received
+ #define show_message		shw_message
+ #define show_msg		showmsg
+ #define show_msg_tag		sh_msg_tag
+ #define size_of_pathfd		sz_of_pathfd
+ #define softkeys_off		soft_off
+ #define softkeys_on		soft_on
+ #define subjectbuffer		subjbuff
+ #define subject_matches		subj_matches
+ #define system_call		sys_call
+ #define system_data		sys_data
+ #define system_files		sys_files
+ #define system_hash_table	sys_hash_table
+ #define system_record		sys_record
+ #define tail_of_string		tl_of_string
+ #define talk_to_sys		tlk_to_sys
+ #define tempfile		tmpfile
+ #define termcap_label		tcap_label
+ #define top_of_screen_left	top_left_of_screen
+ #define top_of_screen_right	top_right_of_screen
+ #define translate_return	xlate_return
+ #define update_mailtime		upd_mailtime
+ #define update_title		upd_title
+ #define unexpanded_cc		unexp_cc
+ #define unexpanded_to		unexp_to
+ #define verify_transmission	vfy_xmsn
+ #define weeding_out		wding_out
+ #endif

Index: src/getopt.c

*** src/getopt.c.old	Wed Jul 16 00:17:06 1986
--- src/getopt.c	Wed Jul 16 00:17:10 1986
*** 5,10
      (C) Copyright 1986 Dave Taylor
  #ifndef NULL
  # define NULL		0

--- 5,12 -----
      (C) Copyright 1986 Dave Taylor
+ #include "defs.h"
  #ifndef NULL
  # define NULL		0
*** 49,55
  	char        *word, *strchr();
! 	if (_argnum > argc) {	/* quick check first - no arguments! */
  	  opt_index = argc;

--- 51,57 -----
  	char        *word, *strchr();
! 	if (_argnum >= argc) {	/* quick check first - no arguments! */
  	  opt_index = argc;
*** 54,60
! 	if (argv[_argnum] == NULL && _indx > 1) {    /* Sun compatability */
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */

--- 56,62 -----
! 	if (_indx >= strlen(argv[_argnum]) && _indx > 1) {
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
*** 58,67
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
- 	else if (_indx >= strlen(argv[_argnum]) && _indx > 1) {
- 	  _argnum++;
- 	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
- 	}
  	if (_argnum > argc) {
  	  opt_index = _argnum; /* no more args */

--- 60,65 -----
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
  	if (_argnum >= argc) {
  	  opt_index = _argnum; /* no more args */
*** 63,69
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
! 	if (_argnum > argc) {
  	  opt_index = _argnum; /* no more args */

--- 61,67 -----
  	  _indx = 1;		/* zeroeth char is '-' */
! 	if (_argnum >= argc) {
  	  opt_index = _argnum; /* no more args */
*** 68,78
- 	if (_argnum == argc) {
- 	  opt_index = _argnum;
- 	  return(DONE);
- 	}
  	if (argv[_argnum][0] != '-') {
  	  opt_index = _argnum;

--- 66,71 -----
  	if (argv[_argnum][0] != '-') {
  	  opt_index = _argnum;
*** 80,86
          word = strchr(options, argv[_argnum][_indx++]);
! 	if (strlen(word) == 0) 
  	if (word[1] == ':') {

--- 73,79 -----
          word = strchr(options, argv[_argnum][_indx++]);
! 	if (word == NULL  ||  strlen(word) == 0) 
  	if (word[1] == ':') {

Index: src/opt_utils.c

*** src/opt_utils.c.old	Wed Jul 16 00:17:19 1986
--- src/opt_utils.c	Wed Jul 16 00:17:23 1986
*** 11,16
  #ifdef BSD
  #  include <pwd.h>
  #ifdef UTS

--- 11,18 -----
  #ifdef BSD
  #  include <pwd.h>
+ #else
+ #  include <sys/utsname.h>
  #ifdef UTS
*** 14,20
  #ifdef UTS
- #  include <sys/utsname.h>
  #  include <sys/tubio.h>
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */

--- 16,21 -----
  #ifdef UTS
  #  include <sys/tubio.h>
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */
*** 18,23
  #  include <sys/tubio.h>
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */
  gethostname(hostname,size) /* get name of current host */
  int size;

--- 19,25 -----
  #  include <sys/tubio.h>
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */
+ #endif
  #ifndef BSD
  gethostname(hostname,size) /* get name of current host */
*** 19,24
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */
  gethostname(hostname,size) /* get name of current host */
  int size;
  char *hostname;

--- 21,27 -----
  #  define  TTYIN		0		/* standard input */
+ #ifndef BSD
  gethostname(hostname,size) /* get name of current host */
  int size;
  char *hostname;
*** 36,41
  	hostname[size] = '\0';

--- 39,45 -----
  	hostname[size] = '\0';
+ #endif
  #ifdef UTS
*** 37,42

--- 41,47 -----
+ #ifdef UTS

Index: utils/Makefile

*** utils/Makefile.old	Wed Jul 16 00:17:30 1986
--- utils/Makefile	Wed Jul 16 00:17:33 1986
*** 79,85
  	-o ../bin/autoreply
! 	@echo '#!/bin/sh' > ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo 'if [ -z "$$*" ]; then' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo '  echo Usage: checkalias alias \[or aliases\]' >>  \

--- 79,85 -----
  	-o ../bin/autoreply
! 	@echo ': Use /bin/sh' > ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo 'if [ -z "$$*" ]; then' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo '  echo Usage: checkalias alias \[or aliases\]' >>  \
*** 86,92
  	@echo '  exit 1' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo 'fi' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo ' '  >> ../bin/checkalias
! 	@echo 'exec elm -c $*' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@chmod +x ../bin/checkalias
  ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c

--- 86,92 -----
  	@echo '  exit 1' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo 'fi' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@echo ' '  >> ../bin/checkalias
! 	@echo 'exec elm -c $$*' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@chmod +x ../bin/checkalias
  ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c ../hdrs/defs.h
*** 89,95
  	@echo 'exec elm -c $*' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@chmod +x ../bin/checkalias
! ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} validname.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c

--- 89,95 -----
  	@echo 'exec elm -c $$*' >> ../bin/checkalias
  	@chmod +x ../bin/checkalias
! ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} validname.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c ../hdrs/defs.h
*** 92,98
  ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} validname.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} opt_utils.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c

--- 92,98 -----
  ../src/validname.o: ../src/validname.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} validname.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} opt_utils.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c ../hdrs/defs.h
*** 95,101
  ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} opt_utils.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} getopt.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/string2.o: ../src/string2.c

--- 95,101 -----
  ../src/opt_utils.o: ../src/opt_utils.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} opt_utils.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} getopt.c; cd ../utils)
  ../src/string2.o: ../src/string2.c ../hdrs/defs.h
*** 98,104
  ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} getopt.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/string2.o: ../src/string2.c
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} string2.c; cd ../utils)

--- 98,104 -----
  ../src/getopt.o: ../src/getopt.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} getopt.c; cd ../utils)
! ../src/string2.o: ../src/string2.c ../hdrs/defs.h
  	@(cd ../src; ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${DEFINE} string2.c; cd ../utils)

Index: utils/newmail.c

*** utils/newmail.c.old	Wed Jul 16 00:17:43 1986
--- utils/newmail.c	Wed Jul 16 00:17:46 1986
*** 17,22
      (C) 1986, Dave Taylor
  #include <signal.h>	/* background jobs ignore some signals... */

--- 17,24 -----
      (C) 1986, Dave Taylor
+ #include "defs.h"
  #include <signal.h>	/* background jobs ignore some signals... */
*** 24,31
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "defs.h"
  static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };

--- 26,31 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };
Index: utils/wnewmail.c

*** utils/wnewmail.c.old	Wed Jul 16 00:17:58 1986
--- utils/wnewmail.c	Wed Jul 16 00:18:03 1986
*** 5,10
      (C) Copyright 1986, Dave Taylor
  #include <signal.h>	/* background jobs ignore some signals... */

--- 5,12 -----
      (C) Copyright 1986, Dave Taylor
+ #include "defs.h"
  #include <signal.h>	/* background jobs ignore some signals... */
*** 12,19
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "defs.h"
  static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };

--- 14,19 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };

	Geoff Kuenning

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