Compression Suggestion

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr.ARPA
Wed Jul 9 10:20:49 AEST 1986

This is not really a bug, but merely a suggestion, and probably not
even an original one. It occurs to me that attempting compression on
small (one block) files is a waste of time, considering that no
possible gain in space can be produced. I therefore propose that
compress observe a minimum length limit. This could be:

	1) A hard coded constant such as 512 bytes.
	2) The above but alterable by a switch.
	3) Figure out the block/fragment size on the given file system.

As always, -f would force a compression.

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at>
..I have a VISION!  It's a RANCID double-FISHWICH on an ENRICHED BUN!!

P.S. Please pardon Zippy, he's not talking about your software.

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