Serious bug & fix in Dave Taylor's latest 'elm' fixes

Keith Crews keith at enmasse.UUCP
Wed Jul 30 01:58:41 AEST 1986

In article <238 at desint.UUCP> geoff at desint.UUCP (Geoff Kuenning) writes:
>There are two separate problems with one of the enhancements offered in
>Dave Taylor's latest 'elm' bugfixes, both serious.  The first, which
>causes segmentation violations in the Reply command on most machines,
>is that three 'chloc' calls had their arguments reversed (the character
>should be the *second* argument).  However, if you fix that bug, you
>will discover that 'elm' now corrupts the 'To:' return address by
>appending the user's full name to it.  This causes annoying "can't
>mail to (Dave" messages.

I had intermittent problems with the reply command and found it to be caused
by an unitialized variable in the routine get_return, the same
one that these fixes apply to.  It is possible that the reason the chloc
fixes caused the reply command to break on Geoff's system is
that in his new, fixed version things have been moved around
enough that the uninitialized variable happens to have the wrong
type of garbage in it more often than in his previous version.
The fact that the variable that was causing my problem 
is name2 and it is used in the chloc fix
makes that pretty likely.  Anyway, this is the fix I put in our
system to make the reply problem go away:

    buf[0] = hold_return[0] = lastname[0] = '\0';
    name1[0] = name2[0] = alt_name2[0] = '\0';

The only variable that I observed the problem with was name2 but I
got paranoid and did this to all of them.

The message that gave me trouble had the following two lines
in the header.

>From uucp Mon Jul 28 14:36 1986
>From tom Mon Jul 28 13:32 EDT 1986 remote from oz

The reason this was a problem was the following statement

	sscanf(buf,"%*s %s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %s %s", 
	       name1, name2, alt_name2);

The sscanf of the first >From line terminated
before assigning anything to name2.  Name2 therefore had garbage
in it which was then passed to add_site to be used in building
the site name.  With the fix, the correct address, oz!tom,
was built.  By the way, we are running the official Motorola port
of System V.  It is conceivable that other sscanfs would do something
different upon reaching the end of the data in buf, so maybe not
all systems will have this problem.


	I do not know enough about all
the mailers on various systems and their header conventions to know
if this is sufficient to always fix the problem.  It is possible that the
code has other similar problems that might come out with further
testing, so you should take this fix with a grain of salt.
The fact that the two >From lines above have different numbers of
fields and that one of them has the string EDT, while the other
does not, makes me think that
the use of sscanf could cause further problems, since it has
an implicit assumption about the format of >From lines that does
not seem to jibe with reality in all cases.  Does anyone know if
this is a peculiarity of our site's header conventions or
are these standard?

I should also point out that our version of elm did NOT have the chloc
fixes in it.  We had the reply problem without having added them.  I do not
know if my fix will coexist with them since I have not installed them.

Keith Crews

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