YASS (yet another shell script)

Mark Brader msb at lsuc.UUCP
Thu Mar 20 15:56:52 AEST 1986

Frederick M. Avolio:
> >The problem with the awk versions is that they process the whole file,
> >even after you are no longer interested in output.
Chris Torek:
> Not if you do it right:
> 	alias line "awk 'NR == \!:1 { print; exit }' \!:2*"

You people should read net.sources.d.  Jan Gray posted this there days ago:
	sed -n -e $1p -e $1q $2

Not only is it faster than awk, it's short enough that you can just type it.
Who needs an alias or script for a line that short?

Oh, and besides THAT, it's more portable than the original.
More people have sed than head.

Mark Brader
P.S. Most lines of the form:	grep this | sed "s/that/the other/"
     can also be easily turned into single sed -n command.

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