What happens during an unlink(2)

Gregory Smith greg at utcsri.UUCP
Tue May 13 00:58:26 AEST 1986

In article <634 at ihdev.UUCP> pdg at ihdev.UUCP (55224-P. D. Guthrie) writes:
>In article <861 at ttrdc.UUCP> levy at ttrdc.UUCP (Daniel R. Levy) writes:
>>Hmmmm.  Maybe there should be an option to 'rm' to cause it to zero out
>>files before unlinking them?  (like rm -e [for erase], similar to VMS's
>The trouble with this is that is really would have to be an option to
>unlink(2), which would make a lot of current software obsolete.  The
>only other way would be to have rm directly write to disk,  but there is
>too much margin for error or mass destruction here.

How about having unlink(2) look in the environment, and if it sees 'UNLINK=
zerofiles', it zeroes the storage. Relatively few calls to unlink arise from
the user typing 'rm something', so the '-e' option would be somewhat
insufficient. This way, you could get all of them without the software
obsoletion problem.

"Canabee be said2b or not2b anin tire b, if half thabee isnotabee, due2
somain chunt injury?" - Eric's Dilemma
Greg Smith     University of Toronto      UUCP: ..utzoo!utcsri!greg

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