MicroEMACS 3.6 and v30 for the Amiga (how to make it work)

kim at mips.UUCP kim at mips.UUCP
Wed May 21 12:39:56 AEST 1986

> |I am still trying to get the v30 version of MicroEMACS (posted a few weeks
> |ago to mod.sources) with Mic Kaczmarczik's Amiga code to work.
> Presumably you are using the intuition driver. It makes reference to
> a few undefined functions.

Well, yes I was trying to use the Intuition driver (the AmigaDOS driver
worked fine), but I had already commented-out the undefined functions.
This past weekend, I was able to isolate the trouble.  For anyone who may
still be having trouble getting v30 to work using Lattice 3.03 and
V1.1 Intuition, these fixes (which are not in Fred Fish's v30.diffs) should

The major problem is in file "console.c", and is the infamous "DoIO/SendIO
calls trash D7" bug that has been reported here on the net (supposedly
fixed in V1.2).  The workaround is to put something like the following
code at the beginning of each of the four functions in console.c that call
either DoIO or SendIO:

	#ifdef DOIOBUG
		register int DoIO_Bug; /* gets D7 assigned to a dummy */
		DoIO_Bug = 1; /* stops complaints about unused variables */

A  #define DOIOBUG 1  is also needed at the top of the file until this bug
gets fixed.

Second bug is a typo in file "menu.c" that Mike Meyer told me about.  There
is one occurrence of "ItuiText" ... that should be "IntuiText".  I would
have expected Lattice (v3.03) to at least complain about there being an
undefined structure when compiling this file, but it does not ... hmmmmm!

With these fixes, everything *seems* to work fine ... at least so far!


UUCP:  {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!kim
DDD:   408-720-1700 x231
USPS:  MIPS Computer Systems Inc,  930 E. Arques Av,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086
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