multi-player unix games

Snoopy seifert at hammer.UUCP
Sat May 17 03:12:50 AEST 1986

In article <4936 at topaz.RUTGERS.EDU> rubin at topaz.UUCP writes:
>> 	I think Sun has a dog fight program which runs on a cluster
>> of networked Sun workstations.  You can choose any plane from a
>> WWI tri-plane to an F-16.
>You're probably thinking of the flight simulator/dogfight program that
>runs on Silicon Graphics IRIS workstations.  I'm told that at trade
>shows the SGI salesmen just bring in two machines, start up dogfight,
>and stand out of the way of the crowds.

Which raises the question: is there a flight simulator available
which runs under Unix either in the public domain or cheap?


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