group ID bug in "msg" mailer

Dave Taylor taylor at hplabsc.UUCP
Thu May 1 05:24:00 AEST 1986

> I recently installed "msg" on an AT&T 3B2 and uncovered the following
> problem...   I don't know if everyone has this problem...   when you
> quit "msg" and are deleting all the files in /usr/mail/user, "msg"
> deletes the /usr/mail/user's file, then creates an empty file in its
> place....   this new file has a group ID the same as the user but the
> group ID should be "mail" or else the mailer cannot append incoming
> mail...

Actually, I'd claim that this was a problem with the way your systm
was running mail...but, on the other hand, the new version of Msg
will support setgid along with setuid, so it'll be simple to have
this change added...


	(Msg bugs, comments, kudos, whatever should be mailed to me)

					-- Dave Taylor

					..hplabs!taylor  or  taylor at hplabs

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