Posting source code

Frank Wortner frank at dvm.UUCP
Tue Nov 25 01:25:14 AEST 1986

@ @ @ @ <-- Line-Eater Landmines ... heh, heh, heh!

In article <252 at rabbit1.UUCP> dml at rabbit1.UUCP writes:
>I just picked up something from the net this morning and TRIED to compile it
>on my BSD 4.1 VAX 11/750. Needless to say, it didn't work. It would be nice
>... [if] the poster indicated what systems thecode runs on ...
>Thanks for all your help.
>David Langdon    Rabbit Software Corp.
>(215) 647-0440   7 Great Valley Parkway East  Malvern PA 19355
>...!ihnp4!{cbmvax,cuuxb}!hutch!dml        ...!psuvax1!burdvax!hutch!dml

I would think that those of us out here could help you better if you name
the *something*.  If I know the solution to a problem with a piece of code,
I'm happy to share it.  I can't share it if I don't know what the problem is.

The best course of action if anyone has a problem with a piece of code obtained
through the net (or any similar organization) is attempt to contact the author.
If that fails, post a request for help, but PLEASE mention what the problem
is (or was).

I'm not trying to lecture or put anybody down.  I'm just trying to help by
pointing out the obvious.

Good luck!


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