request for info

ddrex at gorgo.UUCP ddrex at gorgo.UUCP
Wed Nov 19 22:22:00 AEST 1986

This is not a bug report, but a request... I have had no luck posting it in
what seemed to be the appropriate places; maybe I'll have better luck here.
My apologies if anyone is offened by the misuse of this group for asking for
info (please don't flame me, kurt!)

Can anyone educate me on the format of the *.indx files in the notes system?
If notes is not pd (I don't know...) then I can understand why I'm being
ignored. Perhaps nothing is leaving this site, and that would explain it, too.
Surely, gorgo is not the only site on usenet that is running notes!

Some /* commented */ structures would be GREATLY appreciated.


David Drexler
{ihnp4, okstate, uokmax}!occrsh!gorgo!ddrex

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