Public Domain Terminal Emulator for IBM PC (request)

rob rob at gould9.UUCP
Thu Oct 2 08:46:28 AEST 1986

In article <207 at tessi.UUCP>, ronl at tessi.UUCP (Ron Lunde) writes:
>   Does anyone know of (or have) a good PUBLIC DOMAIN terminal emulator
>   for the IBM PC and compatibles?
>   Ideally, the terminal emulator should:
>      1) Emulate a terminal with a commonly available termcap (e.g. VT100)
>      2) Provide download/upload of files or whole directories
>      3) Provide a "logging" function (like 'typescript', only creating
> 	a file on the PC).
>   I'm only interested in PC --> Unix 4.2 at the moment, although more
>   flexible programs would be fine.
>   Thanks!
>   Ron Lunde
>   Test Systems Strategies, Inc.
>   8285 S.W. Nimbus Avenue
>   Beaverton, Oregon 97005
>   ---  ihnp4!tektronix!reed!tessi!ronl
	I am using simterm.

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