Need help with UUCP over X.25

Simon Kenyon simon at einode.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 01:16:22 AEST 1986

>> I would like to talk to someone who has an X.25 connection to
>> Telenet, runs SysVr2 vanilla UUCP or something close, and has
>> people call them via Telenet to run UUCP.  Any pointers on
>> running UUCP over Telenet would be appreciated.
> If you get this to work I'd be interested.  About a year ago this
> site tried to get uucp to work over a couple Dynapac X.25 pads.
> It never worked.  Apparently the problem is that uucp does not
> have an option to use only 7 bit data transfer.  It seems that
> all the options uucp has are variations of the same single option.
> By the way, I never found documentation that says that uucp needs
> 8 bit transfer, the local Unix guru swears that uucp works 7 bit
> however.  Can anyone confirm or deny this?
the version of uucp running in the uk has been extensively hacked to
work over 7bit data paths. it's basically a 4.2 uucp with mucho changes.
it is not, repeat not the same as the european uucp, which gave the world
the f protocol (see 4.3 uucp). the f protocol will not work over a lot
of x.25 connections (little gripe)
Simon Kenyon
EUnet: simon at einode.UUCP
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