BUG REPORT -- uutran(L)

John H Pochmara jpochma at polyslo.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 01:58:30 AEST 1986

There is a small problem with uutran, When you use the options -sd
together it causes uutran to loose the first entry in the log for each
system. What follows is the diff's  that fix it.

The patches are made in get.c. The diff's can be used with patch(1).


    ...!lll-crg --->!csustan -v                      | "A career is great,
                  /     ^      \                     | But you can't run your
...trwrb!csla34 -<      |       >->!polyslo!jpochma  | fingers through its
                  \     v      /                     | hair" -Graffiti 4/13/83
      ...!ihnp4 --->!csun ----^                      |

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CUT HERE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CUT HERE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

*** get.c.old	Tue Oct 21 07:35:11 1986
--- get.c.new	Tue Oct 21 07:37:11 1986
*** 26,31
  	while ( fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,fp) != NULL ) {
  		getdata(buf,&logdata);	/* get the log entry */
  		if (date)

--- 26,34 -----
  	while ( fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,fp) != NULL ) {
+ /* fprintf(stderr,"buf: %s\n",buf); */
  		getdata(buf,&logdata);	/* get the log entry */
  		if (date)
*** 62,68
  	makedate(td,ldata); /* chould not find it in list, so make it */
  	td = td->next;
! 	do_usr(td->d_usr,ldata);

--- 65,75 -----
  	makedate(td,ldata); /* chould not find it in list, so make it */
  	td = td->next;
! 	/* do_usr(td->d_usr,ldata); */
! 	if (usr)
! 		do_usr(td->d_usr,ldata);
! 	else
! 		do_sys(td->d_sys,ldata);

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