Need HELP! with SysV & [hack|larn|phant]

Barry A. Burke barry at adelie.UUCP
Mon Oct 13 12:43:04 AEST 1986

I've been spoiled by BSD for a long time, but I recently have had the
opportunity(!) to have exclusive use of an AT&T 3B2/310.  Of course the
first thing I wanted to do was port over my favorite games so I could
enjoy them in the provacy of my own home.

Alas, after changing all the apparent flags from the VAX-BSD versions to
the SYSV versions, little actually worked.  My absolute favorites just
won't run, each exhibits a different ailment:

	hack 1.0.3:	"Memory fault" immediately after selecting
			character type.  Looks to occur in
			"hack.mklev.c"- "dosdoor" I think (that's as far
			as I can go  with sdb).

	larn 12.0	Compiles and runs Almost OK: my character
			"freezes" shortly after the first movement.  I
			have replaced the ioctl(...,FIONREAD,...) as I
			_think_ it was suggested, but I don't have the
			actual detail of the patch from anybody.

	phant 2.0?	Get "Illegal Instruction" immediately after
			selecting character type.  Haven't tried to
			track this down any further (farther?).

All these work on my VAX 11/750 running Ultrix.

The particulars of my SYSV configuration:

	AT&T 3B2/310 w/2Mb RAM and 72Mb disk
	UNIX SYSV R2.1.0 (Demand Paging) - vanilla config
	Release 3.1 C Programming Language & Software Generation utils

If anyone can help with patches, sources, etc. for any or all of the
above, I would be MOST appreciative!


LIVE:	Barry A. Burke, (617) 499-6370
USPS:	Adelie Corporation, 125 CambridgePark Drive Cambridge, MA  02140
UUCP:	barry at adelie.Adelie.COM / ..!{harvard | ll-xn | mirror}!adelie!barry
ARPA:	barry%adelie at harvard.HARVARD.EDU

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