
Larry Campbell campbell at maynard.UUCP
Fri Sep 19 21:36:42 AEST 1986

In article <663 at hplabsc.UUCP> dsmith at hplabsc.UUCP (David Smith) writes:
>Why does anyone want your software?  What does it do?  That should
>be explained in the first screenful.  And what's with the subject
>line of simply "y"?

AS I HAVE *** ALREADY *** EXPLAINED in net.sources.d, this is the 2nd part
of a 2-part posting, the first part of which had the subject line
"BSR X10 home controller program".  My fingers got ahead of themselves
(or behind) and thought they were answering the question "Do you really
want to post this" while they were actually answering "Subject:".
Larry Campbell                             The Boston Software Works, Inc.
ARPA: campbell%maynard.uucp at harvard.ARPA   120 Fulton Street, Boston MA 02109
UUCP: {alliant,wjh12}!maynard!campbell     (617) 367-6846

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