hershey fonts -> bitmap ?

William LeFebvre phil at rice.EDU
Thu Sep 11 05:29:29 AEST 1986

In article <372 at enmasse.UUCP>, guy at enmasse.UUCP (One Hip Dude) writes:
> Has anyone produced a filter that converts the Hershey
> fonts from the vector format to a bitmap representation?
> If so, I'd appreciate hearing from you.  Thanks.

Yes, I wrote such a beast awhile back.  It converts straight from the
Hershey vector form into a "vfont" format (a la 4.x BSD), by using
a symmetric DDA algorithm to draw the lines (pen shape is specifiable,
too).  If there is sufficient interest, I will post it to mod.sources.
Even if there isn't, I may post it anyway.

There is only one problem:  you have to sign a license agreement in
order to get the tape that contains the vector form.  I'll have to
read it closely to see if I would be violating it by posting source
that understands how to read it.

Send me mail (phil at Rice.edu) if you are interested.

			William LeFebvre
			Department of Computer Science
			Rice University
			<phil at Rice.edu>

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