FSLS - List big files in file system - (nf)

Jerry Peek jerryp at tektools.UUCP
Thu Sep 18 04:36:07 AEST 1986

In article <1271 at jade.BERKELEY.EDU> mwm at eris.UUCP (Mike Meyer) writes:
> And for those of you who don't have xargs (I thought such creatures
> died after v6!), you can do:
> 	ls -l `find / +nnn -print`
> Which shell facility is, of course, why I thought xargs-like things
> died after v6...

[I never used v6...]

The problem here comes when "find" prints so many arguments, and/or such long
pathnames, that "ls" can't handle all of them at once.  "xargs" handles this:
	find / +nnn -print | xargs ls -l
nicely by collecting a certain amount of text, running "ls -l" for that text,
then collecting some more text, doing another "ls -l", etc. until "find" shuts
up.  (It's also possible to specify how much text "xargs" should collect
from "find" in each gulp.)

--Jerry Peek, Tektronix, Inc.
US Mail:    MS 74-900, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
uucp:       {allegra,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,ucbvax}!tektronix!tektools!jerryp
CS,ARPAnet: jerryp%tektools at tektronix.csnet
Phone:      +1 503 627-1603

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