QEDIT.arc 3 of 3

ugtony at sunybcs.UUCP ugtony at sunybcs.UUCP
Fri Jan 16 01:45:25 AEST 1987

In article <239 at houxa.UUCP> kaye at houxa.UUCP writes:
>has anybody been able to create the qedit.arc successfully?
>when i combine the three parts and attempt to uudecode, i
>get a "no end line" error message.  if i try to put an
>end line in and retry the uudecode, i get a "short file"
>error.  am i doing something wrong or should the archive
>be reposted?
>                    michael kaye
>                    ihnp4!houxm!houxa!kaye

I'm having the same problem...

						Hang tuff,

	"Sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke." -- S. Freud
UUCP   : {cmcl2,hao,harpo}!seismo!rochester!rocksvax!sunybcs!ugtony    |
         ...{allegra,decvax,watmath}!sunybcs!ugtony                    |
CSNET  :  ugtony at buffalo                                               |
ARPA   :  ugtony%buffalo at csnet-relay                                   |
BITNET :  ugtony at sunybcs                                               |

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