Bug in ispell [modifyes]

Joe Orost joe at petsd.UUCP
Fri Jan 23 07:34:46 AEST 1987

Ispell seems not to follow the rules when it comes to words ending in Y with
an S suffix specifier:

ispell -a
& agony agonyes 
& modify modifyes 

Notice that "agonyes" and "modifyes" are not good spellings, agonies and
modifies are the correct form.

Any ideas?



 Full-Name:  Joseph M. Orost
 UUCP:       ihnp4!vax135!petsd!joe
 ARPA:	     vax135!petsd!joe at BERKELEY
 Phone:      (201) 758-7284
 US Mail:    MS 313; Concurrent Computer Corporation; 106 Apple St
             Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

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