Possible bug in patch 2.0 #6

usenet at soma.UUCP usenet at soma.UUCP
Tue Jan 20 06:07:40 AEST 1987

I found that there was a possible bug in the diff for pch.c in the
latest patch patch. Here is the corrected diff.

Index: pch.c
*** pch.c.orig	Fri Nov 28 16:55:11 1986
--- pch.c	Mon Jan 19 14:06:27 1987
*** 1,4
! /* $Header: pch.c,v 86/11/14 10:08:33 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	pch.c,v $
   * Revision  86/11/14  10:08:33  lwall

--- 1,4 -----
! /* $Header: pch.c,v 87/01/05 16:59:53 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	pch.c,v $
   * Revision  87/01/05  16:59:53  lwall
*** 1,6
  /* $Header: pch.c,v 86/11/14 10:08:33 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	pch.c,v $
   * Revision  86/11/14  10:08:33  lwall
   * Fixed problem where a long pattern wouldn't grow the hunk.
   * Also restored p_input_line when backtracking so error messages are right.

--- 1,9 -----
  /* $Header: pch.c,v 87/01/05 16:59:53 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	pch.c,v $
+  * Revision  87/01/05  16:59:53  lwall
+  * New-style context diffs caused double call to free().
+  * 
   * Revision  86/11/14  10:08:33  lwall
   * Fixed problem where a long pattern wouldn't grow the hunk.
   * Also restored p_input_line when backtracking so error messages are right.
*** 40,45
  static int p_indent;			/* indent to patch */
  static LINENUM p_base;			/* where to intuit this time */
  static LINENUM p_start;			/* where intuit found a patch */
  /* Prepare to look for the next patch in the patch file. */

--- 43,50 -----
  static int p_indent;			/* indent to patch */
  static LINENUM p_base;			/* where to intuit this time */
  static LINENUM p_start;			/* where intuit found a patch */
+ static LINENUM p_efake = -1;		/* end of faked up lines--don't free */
+ static LINENUM p_bfake = -1;		/* beg of faked up lines */
  /* Prepare to look for the next patch in the patch file. */
*** 386,393
      Reg2 int context = 0;
      while (p_end >= 0) {
! 	free(p_line[p_end]);		/* Changed from postdecrement */
! 	p_end--;			/* by Keenan Ross for BSD2.9  */
      assert(p_end == -1);

--- 391,402 -----
      Reg2 int context = 0;
      while (p_end >= 0) {
!  	if (p_end == p_efake)
!  	    p_end = p_bfake;		/* don't free twice */
!  	else
!  	    free(p_line[p_end]);
!  	p_end--;
      assert(p_end == -1);
      p_efake = -1;
*** 390,395
  	p_end--;			/* by Keenan Ross for BSD2.9  */
      assert(p_end == -1);
      p_max = hunkmax;			/* gets reduced when --- found */
      if (diff_type == CONTEXT_DIFF || diff_type == NEW_CONTEXT_DIFF) {

--- 399,405 -----
      assert(p_end == -1);
+     p_efake = -1;
      p_max = hunkmax;			/* gets reduced when --- found */
      if (diff_type == CONTEXT_DIFF || diff_type == NEW_CONTEXT_DIFF) {
*** 637,642
  	/* if there were omitted context lines, fill them in now */
  	if (fillcnt) {
  	    while (fillcnt-- > 0) {
  		while (p_char[fillsrc] != ' ')

--- 647,654 -----
  	/* if there were omitted context lines, fill them in now */
  	if (fillcnt) {
+ 	    p_bfake = filldst;		/* remember where not to free() */
+ 	    p_efake = filldst + fillcnt - 1;
  	    while (fillcnt-- > 0) {
  		while (p_char[fillsrc] != ' ')
Stan	     uucp:{shell,rice,cuae2}!soma!sob       Opinions expressed here
Olan         domain:sob at rice.edu or sob at soma.bcm.tmc.edu   are ONLY mine &
Barber       CIS:71565,623   BBS:(713)790-9004               noone else's.

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