Sc 3.1

kaufman at Shasta.UUCP kaufman at Shasta.UUCP
Sat Jan 31 09:09:48 AEST 1987

In article <393 at mipos3.UUCP> pinkas at mipos3.UUCP (Israel Pinkas) writes:
>I copied the sources to SC 3.1 recently and built it on our Ultrix systems.
>It compiled without a hitch, but when I ran it, I got an interesting error.
>The column numbers ran in reverse vidoe diagonally across the screen from
>the upper left corner...

Gee, I thought it was just me.  The problem is that 'curses' is not prepared
to handle the "delay" count field of such term strings as SO and SE, so it
just sends them to the terminal, thus getting the columns screwed up.  I
don't have the source to 'curses', so I hacked the following changes
into main:

	if (SO) {while (isdigit(*SO)) SO++;}
	etc. for other strings.

'isdigit' is in <ctype.h>

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